Stuart Range

About Stuart Range

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.


Stuart Range Pony Club is located in Kittitas County, with meetings held in Cle Elum.  We are part of the Inland Empire Region of the United States Pony Club. It is the largest equestrian organization in the world. As part of that organization, Stuart Range Pony Club follows the USPC curriculum in our mounted and unmounted lessons, so that all members meet the USPC standards of proficiency in both horse management and mounted skills. Members advance through progressive levels called certifications, at their own pace.

We are currently offering Jr. Pony Club and the Badge Program to our youngest members. All other members have the option of earning their certifications in various disciplines. While there is no requirement to earn certifications, we encourage the older members (usually around the age of 8) to work toward their certifications. This provides each member a sense of accomplishment and pride in what they have achieved. Members can always work at their own pace.

We have horses available for members to learn how to work around a horse safely, how to care for a horse properly, and learn the skills to build a trusting and safe relationship with a horse. These horses are also available for our mounted lessons.  Pony Club is for all ages. Even adults can join!  The term "pony" reflects the age of the members, rather than the size of the mount.  The youngest age of child on average in our club is 6'ish. However, the child will not be able to participate in mounted lessons until they are 7 or 8 years old. They are welcome to participate in the unmounted lessons and get involved with the club. 

Horses and ponies used at any pony club activities must be at least 5 years old, have current vaccinations, and stallions are not allowed. 

Horses and ponies of many different breeds, shapes, and sizes are seen in Pony Club activities. None of the Pony Club sponsored competitions ever judge the mount's breed, conformation, or color. Mounts must be serviceably sound, in good overall health, and in condition for the activity in question. Mounts must be appropriate for the rating level of the rider and must be at a level of training to participate safely in the activity. 

Ownership of a horse or pony is not required for membership, but members must have access to the use of a pony or horse if they wish to participate in mounted activities. As above, we seasonally have availability to lesson horses. We do have some flexibility here.

Your child (and all members without their own mount) are welcome at all pony club activities. His/her participation in unmounted activities such as the monthly unmounted meetings, study groups, lectures, etc..will provide a wealth of equine knowledge. Your child is also welcome to attend mounted activities, as an auditor, to watch, listen, and learn as well. Unmounted members are always valuable in assisting the instructors, and helping other members prepare. There are also unmounted competition opportunities available for unmounted members; the regional Quiz rally is an unmounted knowledge competition in which all members are encouraged to participate. Also, each mounted competition requires an unmounted stable manager to compete as a team member and help the team with the organization of all horse management related tasks. There is also a USPC rating certification just for Horse Management. The HA rating is the highest level to achieve in horse management. One that is earned without ever mounting a horse. The take away point here is this: there are plenty of activities that your child may attend and receive exposure to horses if you find you are unable to secure a mount.

We meet twice a month; one unmounted meeting/lesson and one mounted meeting/lesson.  We have a Western instructor as we have started a Western program this year. We also have two instructors who compete in three day eventing, but can also teach general riding. Ashley Widmer (A graduate) and Lindsay Forslin (B graduate). Ashley is a CCI 3 star level in eventing currently. She trains horses and riders and is an amazing coach. Lindsay is a PEMF practitioner and has competed up to preliminary level in eventing. We also host guest Pony Club certified instructors throughout the riding season. We plan various fun activities throughout the year. Building community and friendships is a large part of Pony Club. We give back to our community by volunteering our time to help maintain trails or pick up trash either at the Washington State Horse Park or other riding trails. We teach our members to be good stewards of the land.

Pony Club is an organization that provides many opportunities to its members. When you grow up in Pony Club, much that is learned are valuable life skills that a member can draw from throughout their lives. If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please contact our DC, Lisa Swenson, at

USPC Pony Clubs and Riding Centers are assigned to one of 41 geographical regions, which are administered by a volunteer Regional Supervisor (RS) and other appointed and elected officers. Regions offer additional activities and opportunities for members and support for the club and center leaders under their administration. Stuart Range Pony Club is part of the Inland Empire Region. Visit the region's website for the contact information for the Regional Officers.

Visit the Pony Club website to learn more about the Pony Club educational program, national events, activities and opportunities for members.